현, 한국 New York Art Production(주) 대표
현, 미래재즈협회 대표
현, 미국 Velcanto Opera Inc. Jazz Department 음악 감독
현, 뉴욕 Girl behind the curtain Production Musical 음악감독
전, 그래미노미니 보컬리스트 Concha Buika 음악감독
전, 뉴욕 Aaron Theatre Production 음악감독
네덜란드 2014 Leiden International Jazz award 1위
이탈리아 2017년 국제 Virtual Jazz 콩쿨 4위
Classic Piano, Inchoen Art High School, Inchoen, Korea (Graduated: 2002)
B.M in Classic piano performance, Sookmyung Women's University, Seoul, Korea (Graduated: 2007)
Dong-ah Institute of Media and Arts College, Ansung, Korea
B.M in Jazz piano performance, Prince Claus Conservatoire, Groningen, Netherlands (Graduated: 2014)
M.M in Jazz piano performance, Queens College, New York, USA (Graduated: 2017)
Career History
현, 인천 청년정책조정위원회 위원
현, 인천 서구 청년정책위원회 위원
현, 인천광역시 지속가능발전협의회 문화도시 분과위원회 위원
2022-2023 성결대학교 캡스톤디자인 자문위원
2022 인천문화재단 청년동네탐구 심위위원
2020-2022 인천문화재단 시민문화협의회 위원
2021 춘천예술제 시그니처 작품 선정
2021-2022 인천문화재단 창작지원 선정
Major Performance History
11.2023 Korea, The Bliss Korea, 아트 인 마르쉐, 국립극장
11.2023 Korea, French Cream, 화도진문화원
10. 2023 Korea, French Cream, 미추홀문화원
09.2023 Korea, The Bliss Korea, 창원 성산아트홀
08.2023 Korea, The Bliss Korea, 춘천예술제, 축제극장몸짓
05.2023 Korea, The Bliss Korea, 청남대토닉재즈페스티벌
04.2023 Korea, The Bliss Korea, 영등포 여의도 벚꽃축제
11.2022 Korea, The Bliss Korea, 남동소래아트홀
09.2022 Korea, The Bliss Korea, 칠포재즈페스티벌
09.2022 Korea, The Bliss Korea, 안동예술의전당
08.2022 Korea, 시나위 at 춘천예술제, 축제극장몸짓
08.2022 Korea, The Bliss Korea, 거제예술의전당, 블루거제페스티벌
07.2022 Korea, French Cream, 인천문화예술회관, 황금토끼상설공연
05.2022 Korea, Clazzy Leve, 정서진 음악회
03.2022 Korea, The Bliss Korea, 연천수레울아틀홀
12.2021 Korea, French Cream, ULSAN Jazz Festival
12.2021 Korea, The Bliss Korea DeaJun Jazz Festival
10.2021 Korea, Jazz in Deagu Festival, at 대구 웃는얼굴아트센터
10.2021 Korea, 2021 Seoul Music Week Show Case at 양천문화회관
08.2021 Korea, The Bliss Korea at 인천문화회관 '커피콘서트'
08.2021 Korea, Choi's Waltz at 춘천예술제, 축제극장몸짓
08.2021 Korea, The Bliss Korea at 트라이보울 초이스 야외공연
07.2021 Korea, The Bliss Korea at 송파구청, 석촌호수공원 세계음악무대
06.2021 Korea, The Bliss Korea at 인천서구문화재단, 우리동네예술무대 상설공연
06.2021 Korea, The Bliss Korea at 예술의 전당 인춘아트홀
05.2021 Korea, Choi's Watlz at 예술의 전당 인춘아트홀,
10.2020 Korea, The Bliss Korea, 인천중구문화회관, 슬기로운 문화생활
10.2020 Korea, 아트센터 인천, 2020 야외광장Festival
11.2019 Mexico, Boca del Rio Music Festival
10.2019 Spain Seville, La Maestranza
10.2019 Mexico, Entijuanarte Festival Cultural
09.2019 North Africa, Tanzjazz JAzz Festival Tangier
08.2019 Israel, Forum Faktor
08.2019 NewPort Jazz Festival
08.2019 Chicago, Patio Theater
07.2019 Canada Toronto, Harbourfront Centre's Brave Festival
06.2019 New York Centeral Park, Summer Stage
06.2019 New York, Venetian Theater, Caramoor Center for Music and the Arts
06.2019 New York, Saratoga Performing art center
06.2019 Porto, Coliseu Theater
06.2019 Lisboa, Coliseu Theater
05.2019 Mexico, Pitic Hermosillo Mexico Symphonic Experience
04.2019 Poland, Concha Buika World tour, Narodowe Forum Muzyki
03.2019 Mexico, Concha Buika World tour, Cumbre de Tajin Intl Music Festival
02.2019 USA, Concha Buika World tour, SF Jazz Center
01.2019 France, Concha Buika World tour ,Ma Avec Granit Montbeliard
10.2018 Korea National Tour with New York Nightingalges
Incheon Opengate art festival, Seoul Botanical Garden Music festival
05.2018 New York, Yoonmi Choi Trio Forest Hill Library Concert series
02.2018 New Jersey, Giner and Honey Bigband Concert
11.2017 AHL Foundation's 14th Benefit Gala/Awards Ceremony, Yoonmi Choi Trio
10.2017 New York, Yoonmi Choi Trio Korean Embassy National foundation day
07.2017 New York, 54Below, Lady and the vamps Showcase
06.2017 New York, Yoonmi Choi Trio, Bay Ridge Concert Series Presents
01.2017~ New York, B.B.King, Adel Experience
02.2016 Korea, Yoonmi Choi CBS Interview J4J
12.2015 Korea, Bupyeong Art center Concert
12.2015 New York, Yoonmi Choi Trio Christian Times Concert
07.2015 Korea, Inchoen Art center Concert, 수요일은 랄라라
07.2015 Korea, Yoonmi Choi 4tet at Ulsan Jazz festival
02.2015 New York National Tour, Yoonmi Choi Trio with Sergej Avanesov
01.2015 Korea, Yoonmi Choi Trio, Art Factory Concert in Dea-gu
11.2014 Korea, Tony Miceli quartet at Chunyeondongado
10.2014 Korea, Alina Engibaryan Quartet, Korea jazz wave festival
10.2014 Korea, Seoul Jandari festa, Yoonmi Choi Trio,
09.2014 Russia, Yoonmi Choi Trio, Rostova international jazz festival
09.2014 Korea, 북촌음악페스티벌, Yoonmi Choi Trio
08.2014 Korea, 춘천아트페스티벌, Yoonmi Choi Trio
06.2014 Netherlands, Yoonmi Choi Trio, Leiden summer jazz festival
06.2014 Netherlands, Yoonmi Choi Trio, Jazzboz festival
05.2014 Belgium, Yoonmi Choi Trio, Brussels Jazz Matathon festival
03.2014 Netherlands, Trumpeter Alex Sipiagin Sextet at Peterpan
11.2013 Netherlands, Yoonmi Choi Trio, Jazztime festival at Amphion
11.2013 Netherlands, NO MATTER WHAT IS FESTIVAL
11.2013 Netherlands, Alina Engibaryan Quartet, Kunstmaand Ameland festival
10.2013 Netherlands, Alina Engibaryan Quartet, Autumn jazz festival in Assen
10.2013 Netherlands, Nieuw Groningsch Peil festival
06.2013 Germany, Idstein festival
06.2013 Netherlands, Swingin` Groningen festival
08.2019 New York, The Floorshow Original musical as 피아니스트, 음악감독
03.2018 New York, NY Winterfest Festival Falling Out Original musical as 피아니스트
04.2017 New York, Musical Hairspray at Mount Michael Academy as 피아니스트
12.2016~ New York, Truffles Jazz murderer musical at Swing 46 jazz club as 피아니스트, 음악감독
04.2016 New York, Musical Rent at Mount t. Michael Academy as 피아니스트
01.2016 New York, Truffles Jazz murderer Off broadway musical at Cutting Room as 피아니스트
01.2017 Itaila, International Virtual Jazz Club Contest - 4th place
05.2014 Netherlands, Leiden international jazz award 2015 winner
10.2010 Korea, Hoseo-Univercity Music competition - 2nd place
10.2009 Korea, Hanse-Univercity Jazz part 1st prize
08.2023 Korea, 코틴그룹, 아프리카나
07.2023 Korea, Clazzy Reve, 프렌치 가곡 - 별이 빛나는 밤에 Vol.2 Ep
12.2022 Korea, Outer World, Jc Curve
11.2022 Korea, Choi's Waltz EP.1
12.2021 Korea, Clazzy Reve, 프렌치 가곡 - 사랑의 길 Vol.1 Ep
05.2021 New York, Yoonmi Choi Trio "7 Days" Outside in music label
04.2019 New York, Yoonmi Choi Solo Piano Vol.1
01.2019 New York, Irmman Quartet Album
11.2018 Miami, Concha Buika Single
03.2018 New York, "Truffles" Musical Digital Album
02.2017 New York, Remo Dipierro Digital Album
11.2015 New York, New York Nightingales "Christmas" Album
08.2015 Korea, Jazz For Jesus "Music or Worship"
08.2015 Korea, Jazz vocalist JeeYoen Lee
05.2015 Netherlands, Jazz Guitarist Hongno Jo "HomeSickness"
01.2015 Netherlands, Yoonmi Choi Trio "7days" Radesingle
02.2015 Netherlands, Prince Claus Conservatorium Big band Dutch TV Program Recording, Studio 41
11.2014 Korea, Joon Park "Eclips"

국악과 재즈의 크로스 오버 단체 (2021~)

KOREA + LATIN 피트정의 라틴 스몰 빅밴드 (~2020)

클래식 가곡과 재즈의 만남 소프라노 성악가 이한나와 재즈피아니스 최윤미의 듀오 이야기 (2021~)

프렌치 샹송, 가곡을 클래식과 재즈로 새롭게 재해석한 앙상블 (2021~)

최윤미를 중심으로 한 클래식과 재즈로 결합된 왈츠 앙상블. (2021~)

Concha Buika World Tour band 그래미어워드 보컬리스트 밴드 음악감독 (2018~20)

최윤미 트리오 월드 프로젝트 (2012~)

Vocal - Ashley, Jessica, Bass - Tina, Drum - Nick, Guitar - Kevin, Keys - Yoonmi (2015~2020)

Vocal - Hope Amanda, Flute - Sarpay Özçağay, Drums - Samvel Sarkisyan, Sax - Segej Avanesov, Bass - Tyler Luppi, Piano - Yoonmi Choi (2015~2020)

Reviving that sound only found deep within the old but golden records, the New York Nightingales (2015~)

Piano - Yoonmi Choi, Guitar - Hongno Ju, Bass - Youngone Jo, Drums - Yoenhyun Park